We used a collection of 10mm figures. Pendraken, Military Miniatures and Perrin.
The rules used were, the computer aided miniature rules 'The Great Powers' system from Computer Strategies.
The miniature battlefield size was approximately 4' x 4'.
French deployment;
The French deployed their troops in two defensive lines.
The forward one, of four Infantry battalions, two 4lbr batteries and a mitrilleur battery. Was centered on the walled town of Weisembourg, and, extending to the North and South of the town. To the rear of this line where two regiments of cavalry. The 2nd & 3rd Chassuers d' Africa
The rear line was formed on a line of low ridges to the South West. Consisting of three battalions of infantry and a battalion of sailors, with its right flank anchored on a cemetry wall.
Between the two main defensive positions there was a mobile reserve of one battalion and a 4lb battery.
Phase 1, Enter the Bavarians;
The German assault began with the Bavarian artillery deploying just East of Wiesmbourg and bombarding the French troops either side of the town. Followed by two jager battalions advancing in open formation through a walled vineyard to the North.
Then came the remainder of the Bavarian Division in a frontal assault on the town itself. Three attempts were made against Weisembourg before it finally fell into their hands.
Phase 2, The Prussians arrive;
As the Bavarians cleared the remaining French troops from the Railroad station and goods yards. The first of the Prussian troops were seen marching from the East, down the road and railway track, towards Weisembourg. Also in the distance to the South East Wurttemburg troops were observed marching in the direction of the second line of the French defence.
Phase 3 Stalemate;
Due to the 50% casualties suffered by the Bavarians on their final assault on Weisembourg and the railroad yards. They were unable to bring enough pressure on the French in their persuit. Which allowed the remenants of the French advanced posts to reach and reenforce the second defensive line on the low ridges.
The Prussians and Wurttemburgers had begun to deploy for an assault on this position as the game was called after 10 game moves.
As we had set up the scenario with certain points for objectives acheived and enemy units disabled and or destroyed. The final result turned out to be a 'draw'!
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