Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Septmber in Silesia cont.............

Previously the Saxon army had deployed to meet the Prussian incursion.

Phase 1
Late in the afternoon battle commences. With the Kyau currasiers, Schorlemmer & v. Kliest dragoons moving to the Saxon armies left. Here they are met with a grand assault of the the Garde du Corps, Karabinier & Leib currasier regiments under the command of Gen. Nostitz. and the Prussian Gen Wakenitz is killed.

Unfortunately, for the brave Saxons, the Prussians crash right through them. Then turning around they charge back towards their own lines and the two cavalry forces enter into a desperate back and fro, as fighting lasts over two hours, drawing more and more squadrons into the melee.

v.Kliest draggons just before their rout

To try and gain an advantage. First the Prussians send in the Puttkamer hussars followed by the Saxon Prinz Karl dragoons who with the weight of their courageous charge, rout the v. Kliest Dragoons. Victory seems only a final assault away. Then the numbers of the Prussian heavy cavalry begin to tell and one by one the Saxon currasiers are routed from the field.

Mayhem now reigns where once over 4,00 cavalrymen battle for control. The Prussian cavalry are just as tired and disorganised as their defeated opponents and are in no way able to persue.

Phase 2
On the Prussian left the Szekely hussars in skirmish formation are moving forward towards a small hill. From where they hope to be able to cover the flank overlooking the Saxon's redoubt in the center of the battlefield.

As the hussars reach the hills crest they are confronted with a massed small arms volley from the two battalions of Prinz Frederik's regt. that bring their movement to a halt. On seeing this the saxon Dragoon regt. Rutowski charges and the Prussian hussars are put to flight.

The Szekely hussars meet their match

Persuing closely the Rutowski dragoons charge on through the massed Prussian ranks and contact one of their artillery batteries in the process of unlimbering. An hectic melee ensues. Forcing the Saxon dragoons to pull back over the hill to reform.

Phase 3
Whilst the above action on the flanks has been taking place. The main objective of the concentrated Prussian Infantry, has been the walled grounds of the Chateau and the redoubt in the center of the Saxon lines. Held by two battalion of the Gotha regt. and the Heavy field battery.

Three successive waves of attacks by the La Motte regt. and the Grenadier battalion Alt- Billerbeck are needed to force entry into the grounds of the chateau, that force back one of the Gotha regts. battalions. To achieve this objective costs the lives of Prussian Gen Czetteritz and Saxon Gen Dyherm.

Finally as the light is fading the Puttkamer hussars come charging in on the right of the defending Saxons as they finally abandon the chateau and its grounds.

The Prussians gain the Chateau

The first attack against the redoubt by the 1st battalion Mosel regt. meets with unexpected success and a unwanted suprise. As the men are consolidating the captured guns. The Saxon 2nd Battalion v.Rochow regt. hidden in a vineyard and unseen because of the fading light, loose a volley and charge to recapture the redoubt and its precious guns.

The redoubt falls

Here in the darkness the battle comes to an end. The Saxons under the cover of night withdraw their guns and men south down the road to Dresden. A hard fought battle that ended in a draw. The victorious Prussians in no state to mount a persuit.......

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My newest project: Samurai in 10mm

For some while now. I have been wargaming with a computer aided miniature gaming system; Computer Strategies, "Great Powers".

This is a system that is purported to cover the period from 1820 through to 1900. In the European theatre of conflict.

It is a fully intergrated system for this time frame in history. With the ability to game land and or naval at any time.

Also included within its system is a campaign and solo gaming modules.

Although I mentioned above that the system was originally developed for the European conflicts between 1820 & 1900.

With friends, we have very successfully used it to game the Mexican-American war, Russo- Japanese naval war of 1904-05 and one of my favorite periods; The 7 Years War. with minor in house changes.

Onto my newest project: Feudal Japan. The reign of the Samurai in a scale of 10mm.

The majority of the figures used are Pendraken miniatures with a few minifigs thrown in for good measure